Monday, August 3, 2009

Live Update Testing

Live update test 1 was a resounding failure.  It was almost a success, until that vital moment when I tried to place text here.  Then failure.  And since this is pass or fail, we got a fail.  We have other options though.

Test 2 was a success if you are reading this.  Plan 2 is to update the blog via email.  Which seems to be working fine.

I'll fill you in on the plan.  Lee's phone accesses the internet, and the hope was to use it to make some short updates when I had a chance to keep everyone up to date on what was happening at the race.  Problem is, it treated the way I enter text on this one particular spot a little strangely.  Plan 3 is to tether the laptop to the phone to use the internet.

Of course this is all good and well, as long we even have a strong enough cell signal at the base of Mt. Washington.  There are a lot of variables, but I hope to throw out some live updates for everyone.

Keep your fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope you can post at Mt. Washington too. Good luck this weekend & I hope your pit crew dooes a good job!