Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring is springing

Winter seems to be fading away and spring not far off. The warmer weather has found me riding more and more each week. Despite being nearly destroyed on a road ride a few weeks ago, I'm beginning to feel some strength in the legs. I must say, the benefits of riding the single speed in the woods since last fall is showing. I finally pulled the scalpel off the storage stand and got it in running condition. After riding a hard tail with minimal front fork travel, the scalpel just felt squishy and I didn't feel like I knew how to ride in the woods. Following a handle bar swap and a little more air in the shocks, and I feel good on the trails. I certainly suggest some single speed trail work to boost the training.

1 comment:

F.W. Adams said...

I, too, am looking forward to some time in the woods on the SS! And, I love a toasted bagel, too--cinnamon and raisin... Mmmmm...

Peace and Happy Trails!